I am new to this series so I can't speak for the past episodes just yet, but I will admit there are a lot of things I like about it and a lot I have to infer.
First the writing and animation is actually good, surprisingly good. This episodes simple plot is the girls are hanging out and the small one accidentally kicked her ball at a car, the nurse kills the woman from said car and then dragons show up, a shootout ensues and one of them retreats safely. The animation is great, the lip sync is well done and the deaths are entertaining too. The style is an entirely different story, I can tell the eyes are anime inspired, and all the characters have pretty massive breast sizes, which is fine but a lot of the characters look way too similar. For example at 2:02 when the scene changes the two characters look identical except for the slight difference in voice and hair style/color. I gravitated more towards the simple circle-pupil single-colored eyes the characters sometimes have. Gelly Ann is my favorite character, because she has the thick eyeliner you can tell which girl she is, and her voice is quieter than most of the others. I'm hoping you flesh the characters out more with slightly differing designs and shape language to make them stand apart.
Speaking of the voices, all the characters are voiced by guys, and if that's part of the charm I hope you up the quality of the mics eventually. The volume of the lines are sometimes too low, and the music is about the same volume as the lines so native speakers won't be able to hear them. Another thing I wasn't a fan of was the random images that popped up during some of the explanations, I can see what you're going for, the contrast of the girls with something gross or "disgusting" looking is funny, but because they are live action (the roaches the rooster in the grocery store etc.) it takes me out of the cartoon a bit. Same thing for the guns, the flat photos of the guns looked like crap, whereas the scenes where they are loading them and they are drawn at an angle looked great. I wasn't sure why you didn't keep the guns drawn the whole way through unless it was to save on time. I noticed you animated the guns very accurately and I appreciate that, most animators would not show the hammer being pulled back from a pistol.
One thing I did like was the explanations for the text lingo the characters used in Brazilian culture, it was interesting and provided the context I needed to understand it. The english subtitles were on point for the most part, with some occasional grammar issues here and there. The sound effects were good, I think some of the gunshots sound like cap guns. Even if these recordings are real firearms they don't sound real or impactful enough in the animation. I can't complain about the backgrounds either they fit the style of the characters.
I didn't like the other shortcut I noticed the whole way through which was when the characters appeared in the scene (like at 3:02) they spring up instead of actually being animated, whether they are standing, crouching or entering the scene. The ending was bombarded with the memes popping up which was unnecessary, until I noticed the "Biggest EOFS fan" meme which was funny because it had to do with the show. I think those would be best to put on a different platform like twitter or something.
I know this review is a bit of a roller coaster so for the footnotes version,
-I loved the writing, jokes, detail, backgrounds and animation.
-The characters need more diversity.
-The voice acting needs improving.
-The mics are poor quality (and surrounding area might need padding)
-I love Gelly Ann...
-Imagery needs to match the style. (no irl pics)
-Edit the audio a bit so the voices are heard clearly.
-Needs better gun sound effects.
-It could do without the 'spring up' shortcut.
-No more piles of memes. (pls)