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how long did this take to make? hopefully longer than the watchtime.

TrolerVD responds:

40 min Į think or less

Wow Joel, this was awesome! I loved the glasses on hacky jack the most, but I also love the retro like world you created for this little animation. Hopefully you do more with this idea, bring in some characters, and, maybe even collab...?

Joltzen responds:

Hey thank you so much!

AHA this is so good! You should make the episodes longer, I really like them!

shycohardstuff responds:

Thanks! I wish I could make them longer. It's a ton of work making cartoons! Maybe the next one will be a bit longer.

lol why do they need to kill each other if they're just looking for mushrooms? or maybe this is just a variation of battle royale. idk

Lexliam responds:

Yep, is a hilarious variation made by Auronplay. xddd

Isn't this ripping off of family guy? good anim tho, unique

MeeksMan responds:

No, it is just those shitposts anybody makes. Also, the word "unique", how is my animation unique?

more like, MADE by children.

CaptainGrunch responds:

That's the point, to look as childish as possible.

very sketchy! But could be a cool storyboard

ChrisMckiernan responds:

Thank you:)

WOW the animation blew me away, all the coloring, shading, animation, and story, even the voice actors were great! Absolutely great work on this.

Despite it being a trailer, being thrown into a world with a story like this takes more time for an audience to be connected with the characters more, for instance the grandpas death was very sudden, and the call to adventure seemed rushed too. Just a few things I thought might help your final product if you are planning one!

PiratePudding responds:

I'm happy you enjoyed the trailer, thanks alot for the comment!
I must point out that the grandfather isn't dead. He's captured. The attackers don't use the sharp edge of the weapons when they attack, and the dialog in the end also reinforces that.
I'll do more to make it clearer next time. ;)

this felt like an advertisement, the art was great! but the 360 around the character was kind of choppy.

Lifepoint1 responds:

Thanks for the review! Yeah the 360 scene was a challenge for me. I still need a lot of practice. I'll try to improve on things like that in the future. Glad you still found it relatively enjoyable.

Artist and Animator. Talk to me here
Discord: FanceEvertone#2936 Nyaw!

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