it looks good so far!
it looks good so far!
Thank you!
Wow this was fantastic, the animation is perfect, and the floating islands look so cool, well done
thank you!
This is so cute! You're a really good animator, i like this alot. Keep making stuff! you got a new follower :D
Thanks man! I'll keep doing stuff in the future, this kind of comments really means a lot to me! :3
you should add some sound effect, your style is real goofy! :P
that was kinda funny, but i think you can do a lil better?
Thanks for the note, I am interested in hearing what you would like to see in making it betterr for the future
Great stuff! Love the creative writing, but when they were talking at the couch, at one line his mouth didn't move
Cannot believe I missed that lmao, thanks!
YES! Cannot wait to see the next episode, maybe it will be post apocalyptic because of sunman
Yeah I was thinking the same! Not sure yet...
Really good! Especially for your first time. I am surprised. You might wanna upload as a different type of file so the quality buttons would work? not sure if they do and weren't compatible or if they are for decoration. Keep at it!
I uploaded in both swf and mp4 format. The quality buttons does work for me in the swf format but they doesn't in mp4 though. Did you try both ? Thanks for the review anyway :).
why does this sound like rugrats to me, this melody must be from something!? Great test
Made it meself I did! The bass is similar to to the mario overworld theme, got that jaunty bouncyness.
Artist and Animator. Talk to me here
Discord: FanceEvertone#2936 Nyaw!
Age 24
Joined on 1/1/17