this was so good, idek what these characters are from, but i like your style, and comedy :3
this was so good, idek what these characters are from, but i like your style, and comedy :3
whoaaa what was that SANIC
why're parodies so good!!
i feel like they need voices. i loved the animation style though! hmu on twitter if you need a voice actor @MrShoeShine7
i hear mk music lol
what the heck- this is AWESOME and i don't even know what persona is!
feel good inc lmao, why are their eyelids purple
i laughed because the sound effects were so bad, but i laughed nonetheless! you tired man
Artist and Animator. Talk to me here
Discord: FanceEvertone#2936 Nyaw!
Age 24
Joined on 1/1/17