Dang this so good, I hope you put more of your stuff on ng.
Dang this so good, I hope you put more of your stuff on ng.
This is a very cool track. I like the beat and the instruments you used. I think at 2:22 when the snapping starts that could've been included in the fade in instead of outside of it. Nice job!
So underrated, I am so glad you gave this track a little ending. It sounds like something you would hear as victory fanfare as a character is saying a victory quote. you should make more songs like that with different style and different instruments. It is a little quiet but great job.
Aaaah this is sick! I really like the mix of the harsh dnb and the vocals. now you just need a singer to do the copyrighted bit to make it original.
yeah this is not that good in my opinion- but someone wanted me to upload it-
This is a nice track, I think it works better as a lofi song. I love the tempo and the bass sound you used. Is it okay if I use it in an animation?
yeah of course! all of my music is free to use! <3
Dang this little lofi edit is really slick. I like the original but this is a nice twist on it. I wish it was longer... Nice stuff man!
Heck yeah, I think this captures the cyberpunk vibe extremely well. Gosh edgerunners has done more for that game than any promo ever will.
I love the simple and consistent beat. A lot of lofi sounds sad/peaceful but this one is more of a peaceful/gritty feeling to me, the distortion definitely helps. Nice stuff!
This is awesome, I love the beat and the piano sounds great in the mix. The navi voice was a little random but it makes the drop go hard.
edit: that was super fast, no more navi saying hey listen! at 0:25. Really nice track dude.
Thanks for your feedback! Yes, I made a mistake in this drop, thanks for pointing it out!
I made update
Sweet, I love the dark vibe it has. I think if some of the glitching sounds were quiter it might help the track sound better, cause sometimes it feels more interrupting than atmospheric. Nice job.
Artist and Animator. Talk to me here
Discord: FanceEvertone#2936 Nyaw!
Age 24
Joined on 1/1/17